ArcoJedi's Dastardly Plan

Plankton: Lord knows I've tried. I've exhausted every evil plan in my filing cabinet... from A to Y!
Karen the Computer: A to Y?
Plankton: Yeah, A to Y. You know, the alphabet.
Karen the Computer: What about Z?
Plankton: Z?
Karen the Computer: Z... The letter after Y...
Plankton: W, X, Y... Z. Plan Z! Here it is, just like you said. 

Monday, November 09, 2009

2:27 PM - Olivia's Letter to Santa

Olivia's Letter to Santa, originally uploaded by ArcoJedi.

As near as I can tell, this says:

"Deear Santa. all I whut for christmas is a Tinkerbell gamu. I like you. but I binna good grla. but Santa I whut a book but not just ene tip book it's a tinker bell book. Merry Christmas! Olivia

PS. I love you @ I'm 7"

Olivia sat in the bench at church on Christmas Eve services and wrote this on the back of the bulletin card.

If you want to know, she did get a Tinker Bell Book.


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