My Doom Is Corruption!
Take the Hecatomb™ TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
Think you can stand the knowledge? Find out What Is Your Doom?
Plankton: Lord knows I've tried. I've exhausted every evil plan in my filing cabinet... from A to Y!
Karen the Computer: A to Y?
Plankton: Yeah, A to Y. You know, the alphabet.
Karen the Computer: What about Z?
Plankton: Z?
Karen the Computer: Z... The letter after Y...
Plankton: W, X, Y... Z. Plan Z! Here it is, just like you said.
My Doom Is Corruption!
Take the Hecatomb™ TCG What Is Your Doom? quiz.
Think you can stand the knowledge? Find out What Is Your Doom?
Nymph - You're down-to-earth, but you refuse to let reality drag you down. Level-headed and a bit optimistic, you search for the silver lining in your storms and are a warm entity when the sun shines on you.
What type of Fae are you?
Final Fantasy Character Test
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy VII
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