Thursday, February 22, 2007
5:27 PM - Disney Star Wars - Jim and Lisa
This is Lisa and I at Disney's Star Wars gift shop.
5:21 PM - Halloween Party 2005
Halloween party at the VanMeter's house in 2005. That's, um, me on the left. Yeah, it would appear that Darth Vader has really let himself go in the last few years.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
8:42 PM - DCP_0379 - J.D. Pohlman
Here is my coworker J.D. Pohlman, sporting the MonsterCommerce Softball Jersey.
8:41 PM - DCP_0378 - 120,000 Miles on My Car
As I was driving to work one day, the mileage on my 1997 Chevrolet Lumina rolled over 120,000 miles. That car was pretty well built.
8:32 PM - Jon & Kelly Arconati [2007/01]
Mom, Jon, Kelly, Lisa, the kids and I all took photos recently at the portrait studio. Here's a good picture of Jon & Kelly.
8:19 PM - North Campus Halloween Party
Here are me and my friends being stupid. This was the Halloween party at Quincy University's North Campus where I helped in a group that organized the event and set up our haunted house.
That's me in the middle as the Grim Reaper, Randy Smith on the right as Dracula and Dave Roman on the left as a personality we will call "Apple Basket".
I very much do like Halloween.
7:51 PM - Tarzan Jr. - / forum
Screen shot of new forum style I created for
This was my second attempt at creating a forum style for
7:36 PM - Purple Flurp - / forum - new style
Screen shot of new forum style I created for
This was my first attempt at creating a forum style for
7:29 PM - MVC02545.JPG - Bullseye
There's me getting ready to kill a styrofoam target at the archery range. This was taken at the S bar F Boy Scout Ranch south of St. Louis, Missouri. I was visiting with my dad, who was a scout master of my old Troop 572. This was around 1997 or so, if I have to guess.
2:06 PM - DCP_1431.JPG - Reese & Poppi
This is us on the beach in San Diego. This is the original version of a different photo.
For me, this picture echos a photo taken in 1978 of my dad and I.
This photo was taken by Lisa.
2:02 PM - DCP_1434.JPG - Olivia & Poppi
This is us on the beach in San Diego. This picture is the original unedited version of Poppi & Olivia.
For me, this picture echoes a photo taken in 1978 of my dad and I.
This photo was taken by my wife, Lisa.
1:56 PM - Jim & Jimmy at Creve Coeur Lake - circa 1978
There is my father and I at Creve Coeur lake.
This picture was taken by my mom.
1:52 PM - DSC00510.JPG - My First Week At MonsterCommerce
Get ready for on-the-job training. I believe that J.D. took this photo, though I'm not sure. You can see my daughter's artwork and photos on the wall in front of my desk and comics on my right.
Product placement fees for this photo have been paid for by McDonalds. LOL!
1:49 PM - DCP_1013.JPG - Kate & Nate Tuskey - Willowbrook High Graduation March
Nate is in front and Kate is centered.
There are some other photos from the graduation...
Monday, February 19, 2007
12:01 AM - Search Blog
This search feature points to Colorburst Video.
Friday, February 09, 2007
9:36 AM - Icon - In Progress (GIF Image, 180x180 pixels)
When using Blogger, there is an image that appears every time you update or save a post. This image stays and refreshes until the server verifies that the post was properly saved.

Monday, February 05, 2007
12:23 PM - JavaScript If ... Else Statements
This example demonstrates the If statement.
If the time on your browser is less than 10, you will get a "Good morning" greeting.
Friday, February 02, 2007
3:56 PM - Pacman High Score!
Had to take a little break and play Pacman. Consider yourselves majorly schooled.
Have fun trying to beat that score at
Dogbyteonline - Pacman
3:54 PM - Grass Landscape - Reese Arconati
This is a scan of a piece of artwork by Reese Arconati. This is simple markers on plain 20 weight paper. I currently use this image as the background for my website -
3:53 PM - Jon Arconati - Master of the Pool Table
This was Jon's Bachelor Party. This was taken at the bar at Crest Bowl Lanes in Florissant, Missouri. That was a fun night, with Jon doing very bad Karaoke and hitting everything with the darts except the dart board.
This photo has been edited to remove a really annoying light/sign in the background. I'll probably upload the original someday, just for comparison.
3:50 PM - Jim and Lisa Arconati
This is a Christmas portrait from a few years back, perhaps 2002.
Thanks to Sears photo for this picture. Just as an aside, when you get Sears portraits, they put the photos on their site to preview, but they use JavaScript to block you from simply right-clicking and downloading the image. Of course, in most browsers, you can disable JavaScript and then... well, not like I would do anything like that.
3:50 PM - Reese Arconati Family Crest
Here is a scan of a piece of artwork my daughter did in school in preschool.. or first grade? Anyway, the assignment was to create an Arconati Family Crest. I use the image as a logo on my website -
3:49 PM - Screen Shot
Here is a screen shot thumbnail (generated by Alexa) of my website at - - I've used this design for a while and I think of it as version 2.0. I modified it slightly last month (2.1?), but the main look and feel are still the same.
3:49 PM - Ferguson-Florissant School District (OLD)
I worked for the Ferguson-Florissant School District as a webmaster and helped to update their website using the Schoolwires content management system. This image is a screen shot of the site prior to the home page being redirected to the new system.
3:48 PM - Ferguson-Florissant School District (NEW)
I worked for the Ferguson-Florissant School District as a webmaster and helped to update their website using the Schoolwires content management system. This image is a screen shot of the new site after the old home page was set up to be redirected to the new system.
3:41 PM - Apple for the Teacher Award - Iota Phi Lambda Sorority
This is a print ad I created during my time as the webmaster at the Ferguson-Florissant School District. The sorority gives away this award every year to selected teachers within the district. The school administration wanted to pay for a half-page ad in the sorority's newsletter for the award ceremony. I was approached about creating this and took it on immediately. This was the result.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
11:49 PM - Yahoo! Site Explorer
I posted this badge here thinking that it would show me the number of links pointing to this blog specifically, but it appears to be showing the number of links pointing to *
in general. The number is current 1146045. Oh well. I know, let me see what happens if I change the mode on this and post it again.
Get your own at Yahoo! Site Explorer
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